The Orioles and Hummingbirds ate dinner the other night on the feeders and I decided to take some video. This summer Joe and I might be getting a better camera to take with us on our trip to Washington State. We hope to get one with a better zoom and zoom that will work when we are taking video. I love my camera now but you have to pause it to zoom in while videoing.
Lycaons at the zoo in Melbourne
5 years ago
Ohhhh....look at those birdies...did you post this just for me the crazed birder?
Oh darn I could not see those birds. The video did not work for me. I will try later. I am sure they were cute and I believe you that they were eating. Did you know you had a crazed birder stalking you?
Okay I tried again and I could see it. Those were good videos of the birds. Nice and clear. They were hungary and they were eating ha. The hummer look so nervous sitting there looking from side to side.
Very nice video Tink, some of my absolutely favorite birds, next to the Chickadee and Cardinal of course.
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