Sunday, March 20, 2011

Another day in Pug Paradise. March 19 2011

Ping had been under the weather again this past week. Along with her leg issues she is on some antibiotics and more ear meds. She seems to be doing better. We are praying and keeping our fingers crossed. She is a trooper. You will notice from this picture we got rid of the area rugs and put in one big indoor outdoor carpet with just a few carpet mats. It's much easier to keep clean. It's not glued down so we can replace it easily.

It's chill day as most days are in the kitchen where the sun shines through the sliding door. On this day I captured them doing what they do best.. Sleeping and snoring..




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by tink59

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Smushy fury snug a bug pugs

I love these smushy snug a bug pugs and can't get enough of them and their love! ♥ ♥ ♥